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Resumes Are Dead - Personal Brands Are The Future

Updated: Jul 2, 2018

If you're revising your resume without building your personal brand you'll never make it to the top of the pile

In the age of social media and google your personal brand is at the fingertips of everyone. This includes the company at which you just applied and, make no mistake, they are going to Google you. If they do, what will they find? Nothing? Pics of food? Pics of you partying? None of these will help you impress your potential employer irrespective of how awesome the tenth revision of your resume looks. Resumes are commodities, everyone has academic honors and your summer job waiting tables isn't really aligned with your future. So what can you do?

At Strategic Job Finder we help you build a personal brand that will impress colleagues and employers. Attend networking events and apply for jobs with the confidence that when you are googled you will look more professional than your competition.

Our 3 day course will leave you with a completely consistent and impressive personal brand and the tools to position yourself as an expert in your desired field before you even get you first job. This is what will give you the chance to leapfrog entry-level jobs and secure a salary that is above the industry standard.

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